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MZ-Analyzer is a tool for visualization and analysing of multiple mass spectrometry data in 2D and 3D mode, including the function of quantitating the LC-peak of the specified identified peptides.The main functions of this tool includes visualizing the LC-MS data in two-dimension or three-dimension image and the identification peptides could be positioned in the 2D image via the monoisotopic peptide mass and its retention time. Furthermore, the tool can reconstruct and display the chromatographic elution profile in 2D or 3D mode of the given identification peptides or m/z from multiple LC-MS data files. Also, Smoothing and Alignment functions can be applied to the elution profile analysis of the multiple LC-MS data and multiple mass over charge (m/z) ratio.All functions are accessible from the graphical interface of this tool. For in-dependant
platform reason, this core package and a user-friendly interface were both written in JAVA language. This tool supports the standard mzXML mass spectrometry data format as the input.


MZ-Analyzer Package Download (1.0 beta1.2 released)

MZ-Analyzer Sample Data Download


Please visit for the latest information on MZ-ANALYZER. The MZ-ANALYZER manual and README file may change by the lastest release.

Run the jar file:
Require JRE 1.6 or aboved version.
1) Download the jar package from sourceforge.
2) Unpack the package.
3) cd MZ-Anlyzer
4) java -Xmx512m -jar mz-analyzer.jar

Compile the source code and Run it:
Require a) Jdk 1.6 or aboved version. b) Java3d 1.5 or aboved version. c) ant 1.7 or aboved version.
1) Download the source package from sourceforge.
2) Unpack the package.
3) cd MZ-Analyzer-src
4) ant build
5) ant MzAnalyze


(1) The program can not be closed when loading the MZ-Analyzer project. Otherwise, an incomplete index of your mzXML files will be created. With this index, MZ-analyzer can not work normally. In this situation, users must delete the project manually in /MZ-Analyzer/tmp.

Any question please email to

Change log

Fixed UI and index bugs.

Fixed the manual m/z input bug.
Added exporting intensity feature in elution profile viewer.

Feature complete

Mailing list

Report bugs

Please report bugs to Mailing list or or Bug Tracker.


Lab. of Parallel Computing, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (
Research Center for Proteome Analysis (
Key Laboratory of Systems Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences